Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Sunflower Award - 3rd Edition

       I got tagged for the Sunflower Blogger Award, for the third time!! Thanks so much Aspen for the nomination! Aspen blogs over at Texas Rebel Girl and also at the blog she, Kayla and I do together, Heirs Of Durin
        Here are Aspen's splendid questions for me (and my answers):
1. Do you like to splash around in the rain/mud, whilst singing? Yes!!! How did you know? I like to go walk my goat in the rain, with no shoes on of course. The nice thing about singing out in the rain is that no one can hear you. :)

2. Do you like to sing in the shower? Well, I like to, but I also don't like all of complaints I get after. So I refrain, except when I'm home alone. I also like to act out scenes from movies and books (including my own stories) in the shower.


 3. What's something you're passionate about? Just one? Well, first and foremost I'm passionate about Jesus. He's my Savior and deserving of all my passion, which is a struggle for me. I know I'm not worthy of Him. This blog is about a lot of the other things I'm passionate about, so take a look!


4. Do spiders scare you? No, of course not. I actually kind of like when they come into my room, except the ones that bite me. When I see that kind I take them outside.

5. When you listen to certain songs, do they change your attitude? Yes. I'm probably more influenced by certain songs than I should be, and that means more than going around singing/humming them for the rest of the day. Or more than a day.


6. Name 5 places you long to visit. New Zealand, the Alhambra *cough*Fanny Thornton*cough*, the British Isles (including England, Scotland, Ireland, etc.), Italy, and uhhhhhhh... Uhhhhhhhhh... Oh, Texas!! Definitely! 

New Zealand

The Alhambra


Venice (Italy)


7. Wild card! Put whatever you want here. ;) Should this be a random fact? I'm not good at those. I don't know if I've really talked about this much before, but I am a pianist and get tons of use out of my lovely cabinet grand. I love playing showtunes, songs, from movies, and classical music. 

        Thanks again Aspen!! I'm not going to nominate anyone because everyone I know has been nominated for this award recently. If you are reading this and weren't, please take the award and leave a comment with the link to your blog! I'd love to read your answers!


Note: I don't own any of the above pictures.

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