I had been contemplating doing this tag before I left for Mexico last week, and then when I got back, decided I would. I like tags. They're fun to do and to read (at least for me), and they're easy. I also think they're a great way to get to know other bloggers; when you read someone's answer it is completely unique to them and that's interesting. :) So without further ado, Silly Songs With Larry. Oh wait...
1. Copy this tag and answer all of the questions... obviously.
1. Copy this tag and answer all of the questions... obviously.
2. Mention Jessa Bri and link back to her blog.
3. Comment on this post and leave a link to your post with the tag if you like.
Popcorn or pickles? I think it would be popcorn, but I do really like dill pickles. NOT sweet ones, though.
What is your favorite way to eat raisins? Plain.
Do you like to wear socks to bed? Nope.
Pick the main character from the last book you read-- he/she is now your best friend. Who is it,
which book is he/she from, and what is one similar thing- something odd or unusual- about the
both of you that makes you best friends? Bilbo Baggins from the aforementioned The Hobbit. Well, Mr. Baggins and I are both home-bodies, but I think I do have something akin to a Took-ish streak in me just as he does.
Spring, summer, autumn, or winter? Spring. Or Autumn.
Favorite musical (any production or movie counts)? LES MISERABLES ALL THE WAY!!!
Lefty or righty? Righty
Sausage or bacon? Sausage - I actually really like beef sausage.
Would you rather spend the afternoon on Pinterest or reading a good book? Reading a good book, although I wouldn't object to an hour on Pinterest. ;)
White socks or "fun" socks? White. Or plain brown or gray. That's probably because I have a few pairs of nice thick ones that I wear with my boots every day in those colors.
Are you shy or outgoing? Very shy with strangers, and completely crazy and outgoing with my friends.
What is the goofiest thing you do with your friends/cousins/siblings (whichever it may be)? Uhh, well my dear cousin Sierra (who is the exact same age as I am) and I like to jump on our grandma's bed and yowl like Indians. And then my best friends and I like to do what we call 'dude-watching'. That's where we sit by the window and watch the hoodlums across the creek attempt all sorts of skateboarding stunts. Our favorite parts are where they fall off and go flying into a bush. I'm just waiting for, one of theses days, a skateboard to go shooting up over the chain-link fence and into the creek, ;)
Would you rather read a good book; bake up a storm (a good
storm) in the kitchen; ride your horse across the fields; spend hours
updating your wardrobe; watch your favorite movie/show all day; or
simply sit in a tree daydreaming? All of the above, except spend hours updating my wardrobe. I don't think I could do that if I tried.
What do you like to eat for breakfast? Fruit and sourdough pancakes with goat butter and honey.
Would you rather be behind or in front of a camera? Behind.
Foot size? 5 1/2.
Truthfully, did you enjoy this tag? Of course! I wouldn't have done it otherwise, since I wasn't nominated. ;)
Thank you Jessa Bri and Evie - Jessa for creating the tag, and Evie for posting it on her blog so I could see it!
I loved reading your answers for the tag! Funny, we are very similar in some things!!! :) Thanks for joining in the fun!